so far the following teams have registered for cardinal classic:
berkeley x4 *!!
uc davis x2
pomona x2
ucla *
caltech *
fresno state
texas a&m !
* = $10 early packet discount
! = still need to submit a packet
note that the regular packet deadline has passed. one team
specifically requested an extension, and that was granted. the other
two teams with packets still outstanding will incur the full $50 late
packet penalty unless somebody e-mails me ASAP to let me know what is
going on. i would much rather have the packets early (like before
this weekend, say) than charge people a bunch of extra money.
finally, if your school is planning to send a team and is not on the
above list, you should also let me (pahk at stanford dot edu) and TD
waynn lue (wlue at stanford dot edu) know right away. if i don't hear
from anybody before midnight tomorrow (friday) night, i'll cap the
field, as 13 is a nice number to have for an invitational.
editor, cc13