Despite freezing weather, a screwy playoff schedule, various run ins
with the law, and a refrigerated 18 wheeler run amok, SSI is over.
Division 1 winner was South Carolina, followed by North Florida,
Florida Atlantic, Emory, South Florida, and Florida State. Masters
teams led by Mike Musgrove and Chris Borglum also represented
themselves well.
High scorers:
Chip North Florida 76.43
Kevin Florida Atlantic 52.41
Steve Emory 50.71
Vernon South Carolina 46.43
Jake Emory 42.14
For Division 2, Valencia A defeated Florida State B in the
championship game 230-220.
High Scorers:
Jay South Florida 83.00
Amy Valencia A 45.71
Elissa Valencia A 45.00
Oseirus Florida State B 45.00
Marcus Emory B 44.29
Full stats for both divisions will be up shortly on UF College Bowl's
webpage, and will also be posted here. Any questions or comments
about the tournament can be directed to Kevin Comer at
kactigger_at_.... Also, any teams which participated in SSI are
encouraged to post their comments about it here.