The Academic Competition Club at the University of Delaware is proud
to announce that we will now be accepting open registration for the
Blue Hen Invitational V, to be held March 22, 2003 in Newark,
This tournament is an official NAQT-event, and will feature NAQT
question set IS-33. The field was originally capped at 32 teams,
with the possibility of expanding the field as more moderators are
registered. Currently their are 28 teams entered into this year's
tournament, with 4 open spaces left. Announcements about expanding
the field will come in early February, with any teams on the waiting
list getting first priority.
For more information about the tournament, including tournament fees
and the online registration form, visit
org/acc/bhi or e-mail me at mrdavid_at_....
I hope to see you in March at the BHI V!
David Balseiro
BHI Co-Founder
PS - As always, we love freelance moderators. We try to bribe you
with the best food possible.