<<Any other wierd formats (at least wierd
by the standards of the college circuit) which are
used for high school state championships?>>The
State HS Quiz Bowl tournament for MI (in Port Huron, on
the final week of April each year) does it pretty
straight. 15 point tossups, -5 if you miss a tossup, 10
point bonuses, 15 minute halves, and if you're not an
Aggee, you can figure out on your own how long the games
are. I'm not quite sure who they get their questions
from. It's an NAQT-esque format ww/ the
15/-5/10....<<[Did I mention double-elimination tournaments have
long been the norm in this neck of the
woods?]>>The Michigan State tournament's double elimination as
well. But ... even if a team goes out in 2 straight,
they've played 60 minutes' worth of quiz bowl, which is
equivalent to 3 or 4 games in formats w/shorter match
lengths (or roughly equivalent to pulling an 0-fer in a
4-or-5-team round robin and getting an early ticket back
home.)In general, it's exciting enough for me to have made
the 2 hour drive up to Port Huron the last two years,
and I plan on doing so again this year.mak