Since keeping track of the buzzers has been a major hassle the last
few years, this is what we will do this year:
* Teams will bring the buzzer systems to Williams Hall themselves.
There will be sheets posted where teams can write down in which room
they placed their buzzer system. Unused buzzers will be kept in the
headquarters room(s).
* At the end of the matches on Friday, teams are responsible for
taking down their buzzer systems. They can NOT be left in the rooms
* Teams should bring the buzzer systems on Saturday morning and set
them up in the same rooms they were in on Friday. On Saturday, teams
will be able to break down their buzzer systems before the playoff
announcements. [There is an exception to this, which I will explain
I think this will work better than the last couple of years, in
making sure that teams don't have difficulty finding their buzzer
systems (which inevitably happens every year).