The rules from last year's Penn Bowl are currently on-line at:
The rules for PB12 will be the same as those for PB11 with the
following differences:
(1) Any rules clearly pertaining only to timed matches (e.g., passing
of entire boni) will not be in effect.
The amount of time to answer questions shall remain the same (3
seconds to buzz in, 3 seconds to answer--note that this is more than
NAQT gives--and 5 seconds on bonus parts unless otherwise specified).
(2) Regulation shall consist of two halves of 10 tossups each in the
prelims. During the playoffs, that number *may* increase.
(3) Should a game be tied after 20 tossup-bonus cycles, the game will
move into "positive sudden death:" the first _correct_ answer to a
tossup will win the game. If a team interrupts incorrectly in
overtime, they will _not_ automatically lose, but the opposing team
will be able to hear the remainder of the question.