We have the following teams signed up for the Western SCT at Caltech:
USC: 1 D1 team, 3 Buzzers, 1 Clock ($65)
UCI: 1 D1, 4 Buzzers, 2 Clocks, 1 Staffer ($35)
Berkeley: 3 D1, 1 D2 ($310)
UCR: 1 D1, 2 D2 (is this right?) ($240)
Stanford: 1 D1, 1 D2 ($170)
UCLA: 1 D1, 1 D2, 1 Staffer ($155)
We will be meeting in the lecture hall in Baxter hall (see
quizbowl.caltech.edu/directions.html for directions) at 8 AM on the
8th. If all goes well, we will begin play at 8:30 AM. Donuts and
juice will be provided.
If your school isn't listed and you would like to attend, please
e-mail me soon (as registration will be closing this Friday at
midnight - we'll take more teams if we can, of course, but no
promises). Direct e-mail to quizbowl -at- caltech.edu if you have any
questions or wish to register. Also, if you intend to bring clocks
and buzzers, please let me know about that as well, as it'll allow us
to have a nice cushion of extra supplies, you'll save money, and we
can have pre-prepared invoices waiting for you.
Jordan Boyd-Graber
Caltech Quiz Bowl