While I don't have round-by-round information at the moment, I do
have some overall results for the first 10 rounds.
Tossup conversion: 3796/4800, 79.1%
Power tossups: 627/4800, 13.1%
Powers as a fraction of TUs: 627/3796, 16.5%
Interrupts: 730/4800, 15.2%
Bonus conversion: 14.96/30, 49.9%
The conversion numbers (except for interrupts) are all significantly
higher than last year, and very near the goals I had set.
Points per game, team:
High: 421.9 (Berkeley)
Median: 164.3
Low: 35.6
Average: 195.5
Teams over 300 PPG: 12
200-300 PPG: 12
100-200 PPG: 21
<100 PPG: 12
High: 13.33 (Yale I)
Median: 7.15
Low: 2.11
Average: 7.91
Teams converting >50% of tossups heard: 18
Power tossups/game:
High: 4.89 (Michigan)
Median: 1.00
Low: 0.11
Average: 1.31
Tossup points/tossup heard:
High: 7.03 (Berkeley)
Median: 3.63
Low: 0.81
Average: 3.90
Interrupts/game, one team:
High: 3.44 (Michigan)
Median: 1.56
Low: 0.25
Average: 1.52
More will follow relatively soon; the prelim stats, at least, will be
posted to the web in the next 48 hours or so.