> "Jason Mueller #5 in Missouri high school history behind Mike
> Wehrman, Melissa McCush, Adam Hill, and Sean Phillips."
> Will somebody please validate this guy with a hug, a trophy, or
> whatever?
Oh I'll do more than hug him;). When I think about Mueller's
massive, juicy ppg, my cup runneth over...and my sheets need
cleaning. His bonus conversion makes me wonder if I could just ride
that puppy to a title again and again and again until I'm sore and
bleeding from all the victories. That tongue, so adept at providing
the answers in the game of quizbowl, surely is also adept at giving
pleasure in the game of love. Mike Wehrman may be one of the coolest
to pick up a buzzer, but Jason Mueller can pound the pedals on my
judge any day...
Sean Phillips...who needs a cigarette...