Earlier today, I said TRASH would announce who would get first
dibs for the five wild card slots for TRASHionals Syxx by the end of
the day. Aren't you glad I'm truthful? :)
Here then, are the five teams selected by the TRASH Politburo for
wild card slots at TRASHionals Syxx: Revenge of the Lightning Kid,
scheduled for April 11-13, 2003 at Boston University in Boston, MA.
Wichita State
Michigan Version 3.0 (R-A Blay)
Shelby Foote Soldiers
These five teams have until Wednesday night at 11:59:59pm PT to
accept or reject the bids. E-mail me at jdinan_at_... with your
For those still on the WC list, don't fret. If a bid is
rejected, we go back to the list. If not, we do have free agent
openings. And if not, it doesn't hurt to have fans :)
James Dinan
Business Manager, TRASH