Hi, all.
I would like to remind everyone that the earliest packet deadline for
this year's ACF Nationals is two weeks from today (Feb. 17). Your
team will earn a $30 discount if I receive your packet by then.
Please send all packets to me at rsbhan _at_ hotmail.com.
If you plan on attending please please please do your best to get
your packet in on time. Last year I received over half the packets
less than a week before the tournament and I'd really like to avoid a
repeat of that situation. Late packets hurt everyone: me because I
have to stay up really late at night and frantically edit; the
players because they have to listen to questions that might not be
edited properly; the moderators because they have to read potential
typos and grammar mistakes; and especially the Walloons. Those poor,
poor Walloons.
All the pertinent information regarding ACF Nationals 2003 can be
found at www.acf-qb.org/nationals.html. Hope to see you all at
Georgia Tech in April.
R. Bhan
ACF Nationals 2003