I'm confused about what "running up the score" would possibly be in a
quiz bowl context. I've lost big and won big, and it's not a matter
of "running up the score" - you know the answer, and buzz in, or
not. You know the bonus answer, or not. How can you run anything up?
It's not like you can swap in some scrubs instead of leaving Dirk on
the floor during a Mavs blowout over Cleveland, or play half-assed
like you can when up big in an athletic competition. Effort and
intensity are useful in sports, but don't do jack in quiz bowl
(within the context of an actual game, of course, and not referring
to outside practice and the like).
I suppose you could change your style of play, buzz earlier or
something, but you tend to pick a risk-level that works best for you
and play that way regardless. Hard to run up the score if you buzz
too early and miss, or wait so long your opponents get it.