I strongly urge everyone that is posting in criticism of NAQT's
system to take a second to think.
Teams at the Texas sectional (or at any sectional) *can* "control
their own destiny" or "assure themselves a spot" or whatever -- they
just have to score enough points, the exact same (statistically
adjusted) "enough" points all the other (non-automatic) teams have
to score.
If they gave every Sectional an autobid regardless of size, it would
create *more* of an artificial advantage, but conferred on the teams
from more remote regions. A hypothetical team that beats one other
team in its Sectional is not *a priori* good enough to go to the
ICT. I refer anyone who wants more explanation to R's posts.
Only speaking for myself, not for Yale, my client Mr. Wehrman, or
anyone else...