The following are teams that have registered for the ACF Regional at
UMD this Saturday:
Carnegie Mellon
Maryland (maybe 2 teams)
Princeton A
Princeton B
Virginia Commonwealth
We'll play at least 12 games; the schedule will depend on exactly how
many teams we get. We can certainly handle more teams, so if you're
interested in playing, please email me at: cchrz(at) I
can keep registration open through Thrusday.
The tournament will take place in Jimenez Hall, with the initial
meeting in room 0220. I'd ask everyone to arrive between 8:30 and
9:00, so that we can start games by 9:30. Maps can be found at:
(parking recommended in lots Z1 or 1B, beyond Cold Field House)
Chris Chrzanowski
cchrz _at_...