Players, Coaches --
The NAQT Sectional set will be used later on this year at the British
Student Quiz Championships on May 10, 2003. Please refrain from
discussing the questions on public forums (like the Yahoo! group)
until that time. Discussing them in private is, of course,
Naturally, any questions mentioned so far will be removed from the
set (or edited beyond recognition). NAQT apologizes for not
mentioning this earlier and--obviously--bears no ill will toward
anybody who brought questions up. As a matter of fact, since most of
the ones discussed were the flawed ones, the net effect is probably
Finally, of course, NAQT welcomes feedback, either on specific
questions or on the set as a whole. Errors can be reported to errata- while general comments can be sent to feedback-at-
-- R. Robert Hentzel
President and Chief Technical Officer,
National Academic Quiz Tournaments, LLC