Players, Coaches --
NAQT is always interested in receiving feedback on its tournaments,
particularly those, such as the SCT, that serve as qualifiers for our
premier, national championship events.
NAQT members routinely read the Yahoo! group, but we would be
interested in hearing from as many people as possible, briefly or at
great length, about their opinion of the questions, the tournaments,
and the overall experience.
Without feedback it is difficult for us to truly ascertain the
feelings of "the circuit" on various topics, so I encourage you to
make your thoughts known. Without them, we may not change something
that you want to see changed, or we may go ahead and change something
that you think is currently perfect. :-)
As always, criticisms are welcome, but criticisms accompanied by
alternative plans, objective measurements, and/or concrete
suggestions will be easier to evaluate and put into practice.
Please send all such feedback to
-- R. Robert Hentzel
President and Chief Technical Officer,
National Academic Quiz Tournaments, LLC