Two pieces of random hype...
In case you forgot, the "Auspicious Incident" is still on for March
22nd, the field is shaping up and the finest teams in the country are
going to be there. Are you?
Second, back by popular demand, I will be reprising my nationals
prognostication column on the ACF website. It will be posted
following ACF regionals. I will go into my cave and compute my own
personal P-values using a formula that you will never guess (there
are entrails involved) and from there I will divine the winners of
ACF and NAQT, perhaps a list of the nation's top players according to
me (with input from some of the nation's top players. circular?
maybe. do i give a damn? no.) Also, I will talk about regional
strength differences, or, "why you make think that the best team from
region 21313 (mars) is really good, but actually they suck."
paul litvak, resident idiot, u of michigan quizbowl