Matt Weiner wrote
> On top of
> this, using sectionals stats to predict ICT finish is
> never going to work, since the ICT questions are
> substantially more difficult and academic than the
> Sectionals questions.
To nitpick slightly, ICT questions are certainly always substantially
more difficult than the sectionals questions. Saying that they are
also substantially more academic is problematic, though, as the subject
percentages that go into building the set are identical for SCT and
ICT. There will be precisely the same number of questions coded as pop
culture, sports, general knowledge, etc. overall in the 20 ICT packets
as there were in the 20 SCT packets. Sometimes "academic" questions do
include a "non-academic" clue within them, and it's reasonable to
suppose that there might be marginally fewer of these at the ICT than
SCT, just by the nature of the difficulty allowed writers and editors
for the ICT, but that's somewhat unpredictable.
Eric Hillemann
former NAQT Chief Editor, on leave from any NAQT responsibilities for
2002/03 but still watching with interest.