Since I'm about to post here anyway, a quick
personal note:
After eight years in the Boston
area, I am moving to the Bay Area to take a position
with Silicon Age, the computer consulting company
co-founded by four people including R. Robert Hentzel. I am
not the first quiz bowl type to be successfully
recruited by Silicon Age and probably won't be the
It's a major shift to "Software Developer" from sports
statistician, but the time seemed right. The difference in pay
is a major factor, along with the difference in
intellectual challenge. Better weather doesn't hurt
My departure (by cross-country moving van trip) will
be so close to Terrier Tussle that I'm still not
sure how much if any of it I'll be there
After four years at Harvard, three years at Boston
University and a semester-plus of being a BU quiz team
hanger-on, it'll be different not being around the New
England trivia folks.