>My perception could be skewed, but if more than two teams in the
>nation came up with LHO, duct of Wirsung, and Glisson's capsule I'd
>be quite surprised.
Woohoo! Infamy! Actually, I'm rather sorry about that (Glisson's
capsule, included in a bonus on the liver which I wrote). In my
defense, the other two parts were "cirrhosis" and "portal vein,"
which were more gettable. I knew I should have asked about the
common bile duct instead. Damn you, "Gray's Pocket Anatomy." I'm
pretty sure I received my karmic punishment for anything wrong with
the science in the Illinois packet when on a tossup earlier in the
tournament, I inexplicably buzzed in with "Laplace" when I knew the
answer to be "Lagrange."
-Andrew Ullsperger, UIUC