<< Having attended the state tournament
twice now, I can say that the organization is great,
the double-elimination format is nice, but at times
the questions are lacking.>>
Yeah. It's
always been like that.
<< Besides the four
"diuretic" questions in last year's tournament, it is
notoriously inflexible on creator-creation issues... we
nearly lost my freshman year when we answered "St.
Elmo's Fire" instead of "St. Elmo" (it was an early
buzz, and the question eventually ended ..."the "fire"
named after which saint?)...>>
What team
are you on? Am I the only one who cannot for the life
of me understand why they don't allow pencil and
paper on heavy-arithmetic tossups?
flip-flopped on that rule by the way. They didn't allow pencil
and paper in the 1990 tournament but they did allow
it in the 91 tourney.
<< All in
all, though, Dan LeGrow & company run a good
Yes. Of course, all but 3 of the 60-some teams that
participate go home kind of sour about ending the quiz bowl
year prematurely. It's a LONG drive home to wherever
from Port Huron on Championship Saturday.