UTC will host its 6th annual Dennis Haskins Open High School Quizbowl
on Sat., March 22. Feel free to pass this along to any interested
parties, who can e-mail me at steinhic (at) bellsouth (dot) net for
For those of you within driving distance, we will be in the market for
additional moderators and scorekeepers. Those of you on collegiate
teams with tight budgets, this is a good opportunity to earn some
credit with the UTC program. Any school that brings us 4 officials
for the Haskins on March 22 will get FREE registration to the Moon Pie
Classic on April 26 (not counting possible packet penalties.) Barring
that, you can get a $15 discount off Moon Pie or RC Cola fees, or a
free tournament's worth of practice questions from the UTC archives,
for each official you bring to the Haskins.
If you can't come but still want to earn Moon Pie discounts or
tournament sets, we will give the same credit ($15 off fees or a free
tournament set) for each freelance round we receive written
specifically for this tournament and its question-sharing partners.
(As of the moment we expect to share questions with HS tournaments the
same day at Florida, Iowa, and Case Western.) If interested, e-mail
me (see above) and I'll send the packet specs.