Greetings, all:
The Iowa State University Academic Quiz Club is pleased to announce
the 2002-2003 NAQT State High School Quiz Bowl Tournament, Cyclone
Bowl 3.0.
The tournament is to be held on the campus of Iowa State University
on April 19, 2003. The rooms and building will be announced shortly
in the future.
We will be using NAQT questions and NAQT rules for this tournament,
except that rounds will be untimed; instead, they will consist of 20
tossups with bonuses. This *IS* an official NAQT qualifier.
Fees are $40 per team, with a $5 discount for a working buzzer set.
The field, thus far, consists of:
Linn-Mar (1)
South Hamilton (2)
Washington (2)
Gilbert (2)
Boone (2)
West Monona (2)
Wilton (1)
Newton (2)
Algona (2)
Estherville Lincoln Central (2)
More information, the full tournament announcement, and full contact
information may be found on our tournament website, at . You may also
contact Tournament Director Tim Meyer at mitreyem at iastate dot edu,
or myself at mjf27 at iastate dot edu.
We hope to see you in Ames in April!
-Michael Falk
Historian/Webmaster, Iowa State University Academic Quiz Club