--- In quizbowl_at_yahoogroups.com, tfmichael1 <no_reply_at_y...> wrote:
> If memory serves me right, there was a bonus question during the
> all- star game of the 1989 College Bowl NCT (the one held at the
> College of DuPage with the host hotel that was also hosting the
> midget convention) along the lines of, "for five points per digit,
> tell me yesterday's closing Dow Jones Industrial Average" which was
> nailed for full points.
for the commonwealth academic tournament i held in 1997 at r-mc, i
wrote 5/5 for the tournament from that day's edition of the richmond
times-dispatch. i waited until 4am and the papers came out to write
those questions, one of which was "For 5 points each, name the four
division leaders in the NBA."
i think instant current events should come up at least once or twice
in a tournament.
shawn pickrell