We have 13 teams signed up so far for the Sun 'n Fun Quiz-in on
March 15, but we haven't heard from a few of the regulars such as
Florida State and Florida Atlantic. Please let me know ASAP:
Also, if you are planning to play Trash on March 16, please contact
Rob Fernandez: rfernand_at_chuma.cas.usf.edu
I am still short a few question packets. If anyone wants to write a
freelance packet, I'll trade you a full set of questions from the
tournament. Thanks,
Jeremy Rasmussen
Quiz Bowl at USF
Teams - Contacts
1. Valencia A - C. Borglum
2. Valencia B - C. Borglum
3. FCCJ - C. Thomas
4. Central Fla CC A - J. Mathews
5. Central Fla CC B - J. Mathews
6. UNF - D. Chene
7. Florida - R. Dhuwalia
8. USF - J. Rasmussen
9. Berry College - W. Carpenter
10. Polk CC - D. Dunlap
11. Manatee CC - C. Cole
12. Manatee CC - C. Cole
13. South FL CC - L. Phelps-Ellerker
For more info: http://www.ctr.usf.edu/quizbowl