In my short quiz bowl life, I've used five buzzer systems: 1. Some thing we used in middle school that had a buttom on a box and a light. I don't like these at all. (From a company called Quizzer, I believe.) 2. The QuikPro buzzer systems, which are the defacto standard of Alabama quiz bowl. Unfortunately, they're expensive, and while good for tournment use, the buzzer cords seem not to be that reliable for daily practice use. (For instance, we bought new cords this year, and we're already having to replace them. Luckily, they're under warranty and we'll send them in to get fixed over spring break.) 3. I used a Judge, once. Had a hard time adjusting to the foot pedals or whatever the heck those are. We got beat pretty badly that one time too, so it may just be sour graps. (Then again, maybe not.) 4. Snead State Community College has a whole bunch of thses buzzers that are auto-clearing and daisy chain together. I have no idea what company made them (and a quick google serach didn't turn them up). The are two lights to each station...the main complaint, however, is that there doesn't seem to be a way of changing the time until it clears (it seems to take anywhere from 1 to 7 seconds) and they have these annoying "pistol grips" that make it awkard to hold the things (espicially if you don't use your thumb to buzz in). 5. We played a few games up at Vandy with some Zeecraft buzzer systems. For better or worse, they a big ole' clock built into the front of them. Seem advanced, but very expensive (prices start at $424 for the cheapest system). Overall, it's difficult to find a good system for your team, and the only system I have extensive experience with is number 2. I say if you can build your own with some quality construction and compenents, more power to you. (I would think that'd be cheaper, too.) ----- Original Message ----- From: "sumo6" <sumo6_at_...> To: <> Sent: Saturday, March 08, 2003 08:00 AM Subject: [quizbowl] Buzzer/Lockout systems??? | Need help finding a STURDY, RELIABLE buzzer system. Purchased one | last year and it was a piece of junk. Any suggestions? THANKS. Or, | does anyone have the specs and schematics to build one. It would be | a great project for my students. THANKS AGAIN. | | | To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: | | | | | Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to | | | |
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