--- ltcoldubois <no_reply_at_yahoogroups.com> wrote:
> I've played on a number of different buzzer systems,
> and I'd have to
> say my favorite is the Judge (from Electramatic).
> It is also the
> cheapest system to my knowledge, and is rather
> popular here in the
> Midwest.
Same out here on the East Coast, where I play (though
I'm from the midwest, so it's comforting to know some
things don't change, unlike that damn "soda" thing
here). I think to a certain extent, what you practice
with is your favorite, just because it's familiar. I
do, however, hate those handheld thumb ones, because
the cords make them difficult to untangle and setup,
they're cumbersome, and my hand gets sweaty, making
holding it unpleasant too. I also dislike any machine
that doesn't differentiate visibly to the players who
rang in, for obvious reasons.
-Dan Blim =)
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