We can finally announce that the official hotel for TRASHionals Syxx:
Revenge of the Lightning Kid is the Holiday Inn Brookline, located
just up Beacon Street from the BU campus. Sadly, the Kenmore Howard
Johnson, which was used for the NAQT ICT, is now a BU residence hall.
The rate for the hotel is $129 per night. I know this is more
expensive than TRASHionals hotels in years past, but welcome to
Boston. That's actually a pretty good rate considering the Red Sox
open the season on the same weekend (thus also opening the season on
price gouging).
Parking at the hotel is free, so you will at least have that going
for you. It is also located right on the Green Line (C train), with
a stop right outside the hotel.
More information on the hotel can be obtained here:
If you are interested in staying here, please call 617-277-1200 to
make a reservation. The rooms are only on hold until the 22nd,
unfortunately, so please act with haste! When making a reservation,
reference "BU Trivia Tournament," as that's the name they've seemed
to settle on for the reservation block.