The Quiz Bowl Club of the University of California at Berkeley is
pleased to announce the latest installment of its Cal Classic high
school tournament series, slated to take place on Saturday May 10th,
2003. The tournament is open to any high school from anywhere in the
country. The rounds will be untimed and will consist of 20 tossups
and corresponding bonuses. All the questions will be written by the
Berkeley Quiz Bowl Club and at least 12 rounds of play will be
guaranteed to all teams. The fee schedule is as follows:
Base fee: $90
Registered by March 28: -$30
Registered by April 4: -$20
Registered by April 11: -$10
Registered by April 18: -$0
Registered by April 25: +$10
Registered by May 2: +$15
Registered by May 9: +$20
Buzzer discounts: -$10/working buzzer
Minimum fee: $50
If you are a coach who sees this announcement and you know of other
coaches who might potentially be interested in this tournament,
please pass this announcement on to them.
To register or if you have any questions, contact Jerry Vinokurov at
jerry_v at uclink dot berkeley dot edu or Jon Pennington at jpenning
at uclink dot berkeley dot edu.