An updated ACF Nationals tournament page is now available on the Georgia Tech Academic Team website... The updated page includes the current tournament field of some 15 teams. The page also includes prioritized links to expedite your travel arrangements. Although no group rates have been negotiated with any airlines, my personal research has AirTran as the best deal, followed by American. Delta is also listed for its ungodly number of flights to and from every corner of the world. If you would like to price shop some more, links to Hartsfield, CheapTickets, and Expedia are also provided. For those not flying, links are available to Amtrak for train service and to Greyhound for bus. Driving directions are fairly straightforward but are linked through the Georgia Tech Visitor Center. Also linked through the GTVC are the university's free Hotel Reservation Service as well as online campus maps (fully searchable, excellent detail). Information concerning Dining and Attractions in Atlanta will available soon. Questions, comments, concerns, corrections, criticisms, and general fan/hate mail should be sent directly to me (quizbowl at gatech dot edu). Saurabh Vishnubhakat GT Academic Team 2003 ACF National Tournament Director
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