Just reminding everyone coming to Jersey Trash that the early packet
deadline (March 24) has already passed and that the no-penalty
deadline is April 7. So far I have recieved only one packet elligible
for the $30 discount (from VCU), but I am still willing to work out
lesser discounts for packets before the deadline, so e-mail (cfrankel
at princeton dot edu) if you want to discuss this.
So far I have the following teams registered for Jersey Trash. E-mail
me if you're not on this list and want to go or if you're on it and
have decided not to go. As for new registrations, space may be a
concern, so if you want your team added to this list, e-mail me ASAP.
Delaware (2 teams)
Rutgers Newark
Rutgers New Brunswick (2 Teams)
Princeton House Team (possible)
As another reminder, packet distributions are very specific and are
outlined in detail at http://www.princeton.edu/~cbowl/jt2003.html , so
make sure your questions fit these guidelines before writing and
submitting your packet. As always, send your inquiries and packets
to me.
Chris Frankel
Princeton College Bowl