Since a bobblehead is an inanimate object, wouldn't those people who
think that a bobblehead can actually score points, read questions,
and accuse people of fallacies be guilty of the Pathetic Fallacy
themselves? Just a thought.
Happy April Fool's Day.
Jason Mueller
--- In, walter_shandy <no_reply_at_y...> wrote:
> Dan,
> This was originally a feature of the Weiner bobblehead, but it had
> be scrapped... early prototypes were constantly accusing everyone
> around them of the Pathetic Fallacy. Efforts to inform the
> bobblehead that that term referred to the attribution of emotions
> inanimate objects were unsuccessful; the bobblehead simply would
> be convinced that it didn't mean the people were pathetic. So no,
> this is not a feature we're currently offering.
> Thanks for your interest.
> Rex Alces
> Bobblehead R&D Dept.
> --- In, oilbaronsball <no_reply_at_y...>
> > Does the Matt Weiner bobblehead also accuse nearby persons when
> they
> > use logical fallacies?
> >
> > Dan