Hi, all.
Teams that submit packets for ACF Nationals by the end of today will
receive a $30 penalty. Anything I receive after today (unless you
have made prior arrangements with me, which some of you have) will
earn a $60 penalty.
The last possible date to submit a packet (or register if your team
is not required to submit one) for ACF Nationals is April 13. If you
have registered, but have not submitted a packet by this date, your
team will be penalized $100 or removed from the field altogether at
my discretion.
Generally, I'm pretty flexible regarding these issues, so please get
in touch with me if you forsee any problems with getting your packet
in on time. rsbhan _at_ hotmail.com
So far, I have received packets from twelve or so teams and I have to
say that I am very impressed with most of what I've seen. Maybe all
my constant bitching has finally done something. At any rate, based
on what I've received this year's Nationals should prove to be a
fantastic tournament.
Full information regarding ACF Nationals 2003 can be found at www.acf-
qb.org/nationals.html. I hope to see you all in Atlanta.
R. Bhan
ACF Nationals 2003