Your genial quizmaster feels like a moron, as he has just discovered he never sent out the full announcement for a tournament coming up within the month. So to make it official: The UTC Academic Trivia Association will hold the 4th annual RC Cola Classic, a one-day trash tournament open to all players, on Sunday, April 27, 2003. This will help wash down our academic tournament (the Moon Pie Classic) of Sat. 4/26. TIME & PLACE: To help our long-distance friends, we'll begin registration at 8:30 AM EDT on Sun. 4/27/03, with play starting at 9 AM. Based on typical field sizes, we may finish as early as 5 PM and surely no later than 7:30. Tournament headquarters will be Holt 124, unless we get a bigger field and have to move to Grote 129 (we'll post signs telling you which.) Either way, it's adjoining the same parking lot on the UTC campus. ELIGIBILITY: This tournament is open to anyone regardless of current or former academic affiliation, or lack thereof. If you want to play, and you tell me in time, and you submit a packet or make arrangements otherwise, you're in. If you want to make yourself available as a free agent to join a team -- or if you have a partial team in need of free agent help -- let me know and I'll figure something out. FORMAT: 20 questions per round, untimed. Packet submission strongly encouraged (see guidelines and timetables below.) Teams will be four players each, with alternates OK as long as there are no substitutions in mid-match. Depending on the number of teams, the format will be round robin or bracketed round robin. This of course means I need to know the number of teams in advance. FEES: Fees are designed to encourage packet submission, especially on such short notice, and to offer generous discounts for services rendered: Base fee $90 per team Minimum fee after discounts: $50 per team Discounts: Newcomer discount: Teams composed of first-time trash players will receive a $20 discount and are exempt from packet submission requirements. They can still earn additional discounts for submitting a packet anyway. - $10 for an experienced reader (*or* said reader can join us for dinner at Provino's after the Moon Pie Sat. night 4/26 if they'd prefer, and who wouldn't?) - $10 for each team member who officiated at the Dennis Haskins Open HS tournament on March 22 or the Moon Pie Classic on April 26 - $5 for a working buzzer (additional $5 for a second buzzer if it turns it's needed) - $30 for the one team that submitted a full packet (25 and 25, see below) before I even sent this out (thanks, UGA!) - $20 for submitting packet by midnight Wed., April 16 No discount/penalty for submitting packet after Wed. 4/16 but before midnight Sun. 4/20 + $15 for no packet at all (please arrange with me in advance!) PACKETS: To simplify editing of the inevitable numerous duplicates, each packet submitted needs to contain at least 25 tossup and 25 boni. Visual boni will be accepted if possible; physical challenges and audio questions won't. While we do not wish to constrain the creative bounds of a trash round, here are loose distribution guidelines based on TrashMasters: Number Category 2 - 4 Movies 2 - 4 TV 2 - 4 Sports 2 - 4 Music 1 - 3 Trashy "literature" 1 - 3 Trashy current events No more than 2 each: Computer games & other computer stuff Comics Food Beverages Games Gadgets Consumerama Anything else you think of is fine as long as there are no more than two questions per as-yet-unnamed category. DIRECTIONS: * From Atlanta and points south -- take I-75 to Chattanooga, then I-24 west towards downtown, then follow the freeway splitoff for U.S. 27 North, downtown Chattanooga. From 27 North take the 4th Street exit, within sight of the Tennessee Aquarium. Go right on 4th St. (you have no choice) and follow it for ca. 1 mile. When you reach the UTC Arena, turn right on Mabel St. Mabel St. goes around a curve and becomes E. 5th St. Shortly thereafter, across from a cemetery, you'll reach Holt Hall. Just past Holt Hall turn right to enter the nearest parking lot. Grote is the other building adjoining the same parking lot. * From Knoxville and points north -- take I-75 to Chattanooga, then I-24 West; directions from there same as above. * From Nashville and points west/north: Take I-24 east to Chattanooga. As you round Moccasin Bend (freeway goes alongside river) watch for signs; take U.S. 27 N. Rest of directions are the same as above. * From Birmingham and points southwest: Take I-59 to the outskirts of Chattanooga, where it dead-ends into I-24. Get on I-24 East and follow the Nashville directions from there. ACCOMMODATIONS: The Clarion Hotel has a limited number of rooms available at a discount rate of $66/night for Friday night 4/25 and/or Sat. night 4/26. They're nominally only holding that rate through Sat. 4/12/03. The Clarion's number is (423) 756-5150; tell them you're with the academic quizbowl. WHO'S IN CHARGE HERE: Who would have guessed it? Tournament director will be Charlie Steinhice.
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