I thought on a whole, the commercials this year
lacked something. There was only one by Pepsi, none by
Coke, no Bunny, no Frogs, and no Lizards!!! And there
was way to make dot coms (E-trade and Charles Schwab
each had 4 or something)!!! Ok, for the ones that I
liked, which was very few :
- The Cat Herding was
pretty good.
- I liked the Schwab ad with the
retired sports players (not as good as their Anna
Kournikova ads, but oh well)
- My favorite overall
was the WWF spot that was cut by ABC for being too
racy It was aired on the USA Network during the
half-time show (WWF had Halftime Heat). It featured a bunch
of people in a nursing home acting like WWF
wrestlers. There was one guy riding around in a wheelchair
yelling "Puppies", their was an old man dressed like the
Godfather (and yes he did have the Train), and someone
threw a bedpan at the nurses.
Ok, enough from me
(or maybe too much).