Allow me to take this opportunity to thank all 32 people who either read or scorekept in Division II this past weekend. The names have escaped me, in part because they are in a file folder somewhere in Ann Arbor, but allow me to say that there is no way that Division II could have gone as well without you. You were among the most professional and courteous group I have ever had the privilege to work with and I thank each and everyone of you for your efforts, your time, and your hard work. Special thanks go to: the UCLA volunteers who did all of the running between my position in Rolfe and the other stat room in Bunche. I just wish someone had told you to wear more comfortable shoes. to Ravi and the UCLA players for providing such a amazing place to hold the tournament (while any green space was a welcome change, UCLA's campus was one of the most beautiful I have ever been to in my travels.) to Dwight Kidder and Mike Burger, who kept me sane by laying out everything that needed to get done cleanly and easily and then made sure we did everything by the book. to Matt Bruce for putting up with my incessant messages asking for scoresheets while trying to do stats and power match. to Emily Pike and Kevin Olmstead for being dispatched to Bunche and helping keep D-II running smoothly over there, along with the efforts of UCLA's Matthew Reich, who I am told helped coordinate D-II in the Bunche stat room. to Tim Woodward, Rory Molinari, Rachel Campbell, Erin Campbell, and Jer Smith for their open ears when we were explaining instructions. to the D-II players, who were also thoughtful, courteous, and patient over the course of the weekend, despite not having a place to mill about besides a hallway where French classes were going on inside. All of you made my job and my life much easier. to UCLA security for unlocking the rooms Saturday morning without us having to track them down and not chasing us out of the building during the day. And to anyone I may have forgotten to mention by name, but never the less were a vital cog in the machine. I hope that all of the players in Division II had a good time, had some fun, learned something, and look forward to the chance to earn the right to play in Division I at next year's NAQT ICT. Craig D. Barker NAQT Division II Stats [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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