My sincerest congratulations to Hanover (N.H.) High School, which
completed the odd feat of winning the offical state tournament of two
different states by winning the Vermont Scholars' Bowl today.
Hanover, which also takes the students from across the Connecticut
River in Norwich, VT, is the first school to win both state titles in
the same year in Vermont and New Hampshire (there are 6-7 schools
eligible to compete in both). If anyone knows of another school
winning state titles in two states in the same season, please let me
know (kcommo_at_...).
Today, Hanover beat Champlain Valley Union (Hinesburg, Vt.) in the
Vermont final in a well-played 330-270 game. On Sunday, Hanover won
the New Hampshire Quiz Bowl League title, with Phillips Exeter
placing second.
Unforunately, you likely not see Hanover play as a team at nationals
anywhere. They will probably send six kids to Panasonic, but they
will be broken up among the teams from the two states.
-Kevin Commo
Assitant Coach
Burlington (VT) HS