Here's the ridiculously early announcement for Ghetto Warz, a packet-
submission tournament to be held by the University of Southern
California Quiz Bowl Club on October 11, 2003. The tournament will
be open to all adults, whether currently enrolled in college or not.
The format, fee structure, question distribution, etc., are all
similar to most other tournaments. Full information can be found at:
(Note that we will soon be relocating our website, so if you get a
404, try our redirection URL, )
If your school may be interested in attending, please email me,
Sanjay Madhav, at (madhav at usc dot edu). Since this is so far in
advance, your email is binding in no way, as we are merely curious
to see who would be interested in attending. Also, another upside of
this extremely early announcement is that if there are some valid
concerns you have about the tournament format and/or packet notes,
we are open to discussion :). Hope to see many of you (especially
West Coast schools) in October.
Sanjay Madhav
Tournament Director, Ghetto Warz