While at TRASHionals this weeend, it seems that one of the University of
Rochester's buzzers disappeared. When we picked up our box on Sunday,
we only had 7 of the 8 buzzers that we were supposed to have. We were
wondering whether or not anyone accidentally put one of our buzzers in
another box. The one we are missing is a red, Zeecraft, Showtime buzzer,
that should have a piece of masking tape on the bottom of the light box that
says, "UR." We would appreciate it if teams that attended TRASHionals this
weekend that have similar looking buzzer sets could look through their sets to
make sure that our buzzer did not accidentally ending up going home with
them. If anyone does find it, please contact quizbowl_at_...
(quizbowl _at_ mail.rochester.edu) so that we can figure out how to get it back to
us. Thank you.
Michael Adelman
University of Rochester