Because I'm so gosh-darn proud of my achievement (and my prize -- co-
workers can't wait to see the cards!), I just wanted to clarify my
name. First name was right, which isn't surprising given that I'm
probably the fussiest of quizbowlers about how my name is spelled.
However, since October 2001 my last name has been Harper-Nixon. I'm
impressed that anyone knew my old last name, though, and how to spell
it to boot.
Hope you all had a great time at TRASHionals at my alma mater. My
only request would be to bring back the music audio tossup as the
first of the game each round. This is more for personal pride than
anything, because I have been known to frighten people on these. (Ah,
the benefits of having worked at an AM radio station ...)
Allyson :)
Junior Gerbil