I'm pretty sure Maryland can claim 12th place, fwiw.
I really can't make any conclusions until the stats come out, but
based on what I know of our stats, I think the bonuses overall may
have been a bit too difficult. We were the average team of the
tournament, in that we went 7-7. Despite this, no team scored more
than 280 points against us, and no team beat us by more than 100...
and we were in the evil bracket, where we played Michigan A,
Berkeley, and Yale. The combined scores of my team and that of our
opponents were right around 300 per game. If this is what average
combined scores at ACF Nationals have been in the past, then that's
fine... but there seemed to be a good number of bonuses where neither
team had a clue.
I'll hold off on most substantive comments for now, but I will say
that I enjoyed Kentucky, Harvard, and Nathan's packets; they were of
high quality and very fair (Nathan's bonus on Mandy Moore songs
excluded - ick ;-)).
In any case, it was an enjoyable tournament overall. Congratulations
to Berkeley for winning what appears to have been one of the most
closely contested ACF Nationals ever; Michigan and Kentucky were
certainly championship caliber as well.