Just reposting to get the announcement back above all the ACF Nats flood that I should have expected but in my extreme state of fatigue didn't, this is the tournament announcement for the Georgia Tech summer open tournament: Announcing North Avenue Trade School Summer Open I: Presumptuous Numbering I am pleased to announce that Georgia Tech will be hosting the North Avenue Trade School Summer Open, a tournament scheduled for June 28 (possibly June 29 depending on the size of the field), however there has been some reservation over a two day tournament, so that will be avoided if at all possible. The tournament is planned to be full round robin, with a 14 team upper limit (unless there is overwhelming demand for more space). The tournament will be held in the Instructional Center building (same place as MLK (sic) Weekend and ACF Nationals). Actual start times will depend upon field size, but if the tournament is two days it will likely start closer to noon saturday and then finish up by early afternoon sunday. For now assume the two day schedule until more information becomes available. Now for the important stuff: -THE BOSS- I'll be running the show, and will be serving as packet editor and tournament director. Any questions regarding the tournament or expressing interest in signing up should be directed to myself at sdwebb91984 at yahoo dot com. Please include in your e-mail if you will be bringing a team or playing as a free agent, and if you intend to submit a packet or bring buzzers. -DRIVING DIRECTIONS- There's some announcement earlier in the board with a driving directions link. Same link.http://www.visits.gatech.edu/directions.shtml -FEES- Base Fee $100 Packet Received by May 10 -$25 Packet Received by May 31 -$15 Packets Received by June 14 No Penalty Packets Received by June 21 +$15 No Packet Submitted +$25 WORKING buzzer lockout system -$10 EXPERIENCED moderator -$5 Minimum Entry Fee $60 Copy of Tournament (burned on CD) +$15 Without prior arrangement with myself, the last day to submit a packet is the end of the day June 21. I'm also willing to take freelance packets, so if you want to exchange a freelance packet for a copy of the tournament let me know and we can talk. This is going to depend on my need for extra packets. Since the tournament field is capped at 14 teams, teams will receive priority if all slots fill based upon when I receive a packet. If interest greatly exceeds 14 teams I will consider expanding the field, but would prefer to keep it small for now so that full round robin is possible. -PACKET GUIDELINES- These are the packet guidelines for the North Avenue Trade School Summer Open. Questions should follow these packet guidelines in terms of both distribution and difficulty. Any packets grossly in violation of these guidelines will be returned for a rewrite. First 20 TU/Bonuses Category TU/Bonuses ----------------------------------------- History 4/4 US History 2/2 European History 1/1 World/Ancient History 1/1 Literature 4/4 US/British Literature 2/2 European Literature 1/1 World/Ancient Literature 1/1 Science 4/4 Biology/Biochemistry 1/1 Chemistry 1/1 Physics 1/1 Other Field/History 1/1 Fine Arts 3/3 Sculpture/Painting 1/1 Music 1/1 Other (Film, etc.) 1/1 Social Science/Geography 2/2 Religion/Mythology/Philosophy 2/2 General Knowledge/Interdisc. 1/1 Last 10 TU/Bonuses Category TU/Bonuses ----------------------------------------- History 2/2 Literature 2/2 Science 2/2 Fine Arts 1/1 Social Science/Geography 1/1 Religion/Mythology/Philosophy 1/1 General Knowledge/Interdisc. 1/1 The last 10 TU/Bonuses are not divided within the larger disciplines, therefore the distribution within those can be anything history, etc. However, do not duplicate categories (ie, do not write two World/Ancient lit extra tossups). It is requested that the first 20 TU/Bonuses be what you, the writer, would consider the best 20 for tournament play. For General Knowledge/Interdisciplinary take anything that does not neatly fall into one of the other categories. This includes pop culture, current events, general trash questions, and others. Now a word on accessibility. As a general rule, two AVERAGE teams should answer 80% of toss-ups by the end of a 20 TU round. The questions should be at a level between ACF Regs and ACF Fall. Also, given a sufficient difference in ability between two teams, a perfect round should be a distinct possibility. Therefore, when in doubt about what the answer should be, choose the more answerable of the two. I would prefer that you err on the side of caution with regards to this. Excessively difficult packets will be returned for rewrites. That said, questions should pyramidal, in length not exceeding five, at the most six, sentences, while never dipping below two sentences. On average, toss-ups should be approximately 3-4 sentences long or four lines, five if absolutely necessary. As a formatting preference all minimally acceptable answers should be underlined. As a rule list all acceptable answers for a toss-up. Particularly for foreign language terms, titles, etc., provide both the English translation and the original title in the language of origin. Also include pronunciation guides. For bonuses, every team with some knowledge in the area being asked should score ten points, middle tier teams should average around 20, while teams with upper tier knowledge of the subject should get all 30. The top team at the tournament should average near 350-400 points per round. However, it is perfectly acceptable for teams to score more than this, again, ERR IN THE SIDE OF CAUTION. All packets should be submitted in either Microsoft Word, OpenOffice (.sxw), WordPad or NotePad formats. Any incomplete packets will be returned for completion. It would make editting much easier if all packets were submitted in the same format: 1. Tossup blah blah blah blah blah Ans: other stuff _minimum acceptable answer_ other stuff (underline the minimum acceptable answer) and for bonuses: 1. Introduction including points per answer (a) Bonus a Ans: [see above] You get the idea. Teams not planning on submitting a packet and absorbing the penalties are asked to warn in advance of this course of action so that other arrangements can be made. -FREELANCE PACKETS- I'm currently willing to accept freelance packets in exchange for a complete copy of the tournament. If you're interested in freelancing go ahead and e-mail me and we'll work something out. I will have more details in the coming days (if Tech's bureaucracy fails me not). Thank you, Stephen Webb Physics GaTech Academic Team
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