It is probably best to keep the ACF and CBI weekends separate.
1. ACF and CBI could run into each other and anihilate each other.
2. One of the Michigan people would be incapable of going for the
Quadruple Crown.
3. AFAIK, only two people were adversely affected by needing to be
home for Easter, and both were on the Michigan B team.
4. If ACF Nationals is held on Easter weekend, having a Friday-
Saturday tournament might help the problem. It would not solve
airfare cost issues, unfortunately.
5. If all else fails, move ACF Nationals to the weekend before NAQT
ICT, whose Saturday next year will be March 27th. It was held in
March in 2001, albeit with a smaller field size. I cannot think of
anyone else besides Maryland having a spring break spanning that
weekend. Hopefully spring break will not prevent us or any team that
bids from reserving rooms and the like.