Here are the instructions for PUBfest this Saturday.
Registration will take place in (or outside) Room 209 in the Frist
Campus Center from 8:30 to 9. For those of you who were here last
year,it's the same building. Maps and directions can all be found at
Rounds will start hopefully at 9:05. Rules will be ACF (2
halves of 10 questions, no clock), with a one-question tiebreaker if
there is a tie (neg5 => immediate loss)
We will be having a 13 round round-robin tournament. Each team
will play the other 12 teams and get one bye round. Then, we will most
likely have 1 finals game (depending on the condition of packets)
between the top two teams for the championship. If there is a
three-way (or five-way) tie for third place, we will try some
ingenuous way of breaking it to find the top two teams. The teams are:
Maryland X 2, Swarthmore, Rutgers-NB X 2, Carnegie Mellon, Ole Miss,
Rutgers-Newark, Matt W., Nathan F., Delaware, Virginia X 2. If I've
left anything out or anyone has any questions, please let me know. See
you all on Saturday.
-Lenny Kostovetsky