--- In quizbowl_at_yahoogroups.com, thefool75 <no_reply_at_y...> wrote:
> This man's love life was depicted fictionally in the novel Nothing
> Like the Sun, by Anthony Burgess. His first publications, The
> Passionate Pilgrim and A Lover's Complaint, were issued without his
> consent. He apparently wrote three pages for a collaborative play,
> Sir Thomas More, but a Don Quixote based collaboration, Cardenio, is
> completely lost. FTP, name this author who also worked with John
> Fletcher on the Two Noble Kinsmen.
> ANSWER: William Shakespeare
Ah, a nice memory of being able to buzz in in the middle of the first
title on that question at the Mad City Masters, thanks to having
written the following tossup for my 1999 singles tournament:
In Edward Bond's 1973 novel Bingo he commits suicide. In Anthony
Burgess's 1964 novel Nothing Like the Sun, he contracts syphilis from
the prostitute Lucy Negro. In Rudyard Kipling's short story "Proofs
of Holy Writ," he discusses the new King James Bible with Ben Jonson.
For 10 points—what character is this, who in a 1998 movie falls in
love with Viola de Lesseps, played by Gwyneth Paltrow?
answer: William Shakespeare
(Not really an example of a tossup about Shakespeare the person, only
about Shakespeare the fictional character.)