>If you're going to come out here and call us all chumpmonkeys,
>at least have the balls to say who you are. It's easy,
>and I would say cowardly, to insult people from behind the
>veil of anonymity.
Jerry, you are right, in the sense that I should not have presumed to
insult from the an anonymous post. Then again, the only people being
called chumpmonkeys were those who post messages skewering
tournaments in a non-constructive manner or with a personal agenda of
community dominance.
So Jerry, since you didn't do this (and, may I say that you raised
some excellent points about productive discussion, which would be a
change on this board), you sir, are not a chumpmonkey.
As for anonymity, it is not out of fear that I post anonymously,
rather that the message is more important than the messenger. I'll
take some skewers for cowardice if it means that people are reading
the message.
A Voice of the Silent Majority