The University of Rochester is still missing one of its buzzers,
which was lost sometime during TRASHionals. After talking with some
people from TRASH, it was determined that the most likely thing that
happened to it is that it was mistakenly placed in with
Northwestern's buzzers. If someone fromt the Northwestern team could
confirm whether or not this is true, that would be fantastic.
Likewise, if any other team has found the buzzer, please let us
know. The buzzer we are missing is a red, Zeecraft with a showtime
grip. It has a piece of masking tape on the bottom of the light box
that says, "UR." If you have any information about it, please send
an e-mail either to quizbowl_at_... (quizbowl _at_ or to me at ma005j_at_... (ma005j _at_ And like I said before, I would appreciate it
if someone from the Northwestern team could e-mail us even if it is
just to let us know that they do not have it. Thank you very much.
Michael Adelman
University of Rochester