Six teams came to DePauw University in Greencastle, IN to compete in DUCK Bowl II. After 12 rounds, the Gerbils swept the day with 11-0 record. The top 5 scorers (not in order): Jonathan from DUCKS, Mike Burger and Greg Sorensen of Gerbils, Matt Childers of IWU, and MC Trotsky of Indiana, Full stats are available at our website at: Prizes were awarded for team with best record, neg king, and top 5 scorers: For the Gerbils' efforts, they received t-shirts from last year's DUCKS Camp. Neg King went to Matt Childers with 37 negs, and he recieved DUCK brand duct tape. Top 5 scorers went home after much competition over the following prizes: DVD of My Blue Heaven, 2 disk DVD of Dragnet TV episodes, Krazy Glue, a Cletus T. Judd CD, and a quacking road kill/platypus puppet. Thanks to everyone who came and competed! We had fun, and we hope you did as well. Special thanks to Charlie Steinhice for his RC Cola questions, as well as all the freelance packets we recieved. Also, thanks to Stephen Esposito of Loyola, Emily Svolanek and Matt Katsenes of Monmouth for giving up their day to help scorekeep. Amanda Hartman President, DUCKS Quiz Bowl
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