Well, the first ever Brandeis Orson Wells' Rosebud Open has come and
gone and it was a success. I will save the thank yous for the full e-
mail, but props to all who attended and to Charlie for letting us
mirror his RC Cola Classic.
The winning team was As Schools matched Twits. They beat Lorena Bop-
It! in a blowout of a final. BC Pulpit fiction placed third, fourth
went to Girls Gone Mormon! while fifth went to Team Frink.
The leading scorer was John of Twits with 56 ppg. Mike of Twits was
second with 52 ppg. I was third, (for Bop-It!) with 47 ppg and the
single game high of 100. Rob of Mormom has 36 ppg and Ted of Bop-It!
had 32.
More results to come.