I'm sure most of you will want to skip this message, but I'd like to
thank everyone who helped make this tournament a success.
First of all, thanks to Leonard Kostovetsky and the other editors who
refined raw tossups and bonuses into the high quality question set
that our teams got to enjoy this weekend. While I could have hoped
for a few more rounds, I'm sure they did the best they could with the
questions submitted to them.
Thank you to everyone who moderated: Michael Falk, Scott Moser, Jeff
Morrison, Tim Meyer, Matt Cvijanovich, and Eric Hillemann (during his
bye round)
Thanks to everyone who kept score: Sara Geiken, Greg Chandra, Laura
Messer, Warren Miller and anyone I missed.
Special thanks to Elizabeth Carlson, Michael Falk, and Tim Meyer
their work in keeping stats.
And of course thank you to all the teams that came, especially the
University of Tulsa which drove approximately 500 miles to attend.
Paul Tomlinson